tiny black animated gif of a spinning globe animated gif of a black palm leaf rotating animated gif of a black rod rotating animated gif of a black and white pyramid rotating

Hi, I'm Rodell

headshot of rodell warner
headshot of rodell warner

I'm a full-stack developer and graphic designer, and I'm passionate about creating beautiful experiences online.

Working at the intersection of coding and image-making allows me to build websites that people love to use.

Take a look below to see some of my work.

screenshot of pyramid quiz website screenshot of pyramid quiz website from mobile phone
Pyramid Quiz

Pyramid Quiz is a multiple choice quiz app that tests the user's knowledge about the ancient pyramids of Egypt.

I built Pyramid Quiz as part of a training assignment during Thinkful's "Engineering Flex" software engineering program. I used vanilla JavaScript with jQuery, HTML, and CSS.

Click the "VIEW LIVE SITE" button below to take the quiz.

screenshot of COVID Compare website screenshot of COVID Compare mobile website
COVID Compare

COVID Compare allows users to simultaneously retrieve coronavirus (COVID-19) statistics for two countries of their choice.

Users see these statistics represented graphically, side by side, making them easy to compare.

In addition, links to related news articles for each of the two selected countries are displayed in the browser.

To build COVID Compare I used vanilla JavaScript with jQuery, HTML, and CSS.

About me

I love customizing websites and giving them thoughtful and unique touches. For me, that goes a long way in making the experience beautiful. I enjoy coding because it gives me the ability to create this kind of beauty.

I learn best and shine brightest when I'm part of a dynamic team, and what I want most this year is to team up with a solid group of programmers who bring out the best in each other.

When I'm not coding I'm especially devoted to my visual art practice.

Since 2009 I've been making digital animations and interactive installations, and exhibiting my projects all over the world.

Click the button below to see some of my favs.


Send me an email at rodell.warner@gmail.com

or find me on GitHub or LinkedIn.